InternetMedia Solutions
What is CTE

What is CTE


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“CybTrade Engine” (CTE) – is a multi-purpose system, which allows you to manage site content. Built-in tools give an opportunity to develope different tipes of site like portals, informational systems, internet shops, catalogues and B2B systems. CTE has module structure, which provides you with a very high level of functionality. CTE - is “Lego” for building sites, which will realize any of your ideas using one and the same technology.

What is CTE


Interaction of the system parts (IT scheme)

CTE is a client-server solution with thin client. Server part consists of a database (compartable with SQL-92), programme module works with database through DBI. Static HTML code, which is avalable through HTTP, is the kernel work result. Clients and administors of the system have an access through Web-browser MS Internet Explorer.

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