InternetMedia Solutions
What is CTE

What is CTE


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“CybTrade Engine” (CTE) – is a multi-purpose system, which allows you to manage site content. Built-in tools give an opportunity to develope different tipes of site like portals, informational systems, internet shops, catalogues and B2B systems. CTE has module structure, which provides you with a very high level of functionality. CTE - is “Lego” for building sites, which will realize any of your ideas using one and the same technology.

What is CTE


E-commerce management modules possibilities:

  • Customer basket
  • Ordering system
  • Calculation of delivery
  • Customer database management
  • Order management
  • Bank transfers (credit cards, paing systems, transfers)
  • Integration with accontant and stock systems
  • Different kinds of discounts
  • B2B
  • Partner programme
  • P2P – auctions
  • Work-flow

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